Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Lemuria's Reptilian Beings

In reptilian conspiracy literature, a sunken Pacific continent (usually styled as Lemuria or Mu) is sometimes posited as the homeland of a reptilian race of creatures, often identified with dragons or nagas. Various bits of mythology and folklore are assembled in support, such as the Cambodian naga traditions. Folkloric claims of Australian aborigines sighting "dinosaur-like" creatures are also often viewed as evidence.

The earliest attestation of such notions in modern literature seems to have occurred in the works of H.P. Blavatsky, notably in The Secret Doctrine (1888), where she writes of "Dragon-men" who once had a mighty civilization on a Lemurian continent, until their rampant use of black magic brought about the end of their civilization, and their continent sank. Blavatsky in turn claims to have obtained this information from The Book of Dzyan. However, many consider that Blavatsky invented the book herself. Blavatsky believed that the terms "Dragon-men" or "Serpent-men" used to describe the Lemurian Lizard Beings in the Book of Dzyan were symbolic, intended to symbolize their advanced knowledge and magical powers.

Other occurrences of the idea seem to be in the Alley Oop (1932) comic-strip, and the Brazilian Piteco (1964), where lands named Moo (or "Mu") and Lem (adapted from Mu and Lemuria respectively) are presented as dinosaur-infested lands.

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